A few weeks ago I decided what to do for my (continuously evolving) fitness plan after a lot of thought and frustration and reading and searching and FINALLY getting some great ideas...
My main weakness in the past has been giving things up...
Basically if you tell me I can no longer eat brownies it makes me WANT to eat brownies. All of them.
So I have decided that instead of taking things OUT of my diet, I will begin with ADDING things to my diet to fill me up with good things so I will just naturally want less of the bad stuff.
Every day I must eat all of the following items:
1 Apple (optional with a tbs of peanut butter)
1 Bowl Gluten-Free Steel Cut Oatmeal
2 Egg Whites (Hard Boiled)
1 Scoop Protein Powder (mixed with water)
As long as I eat those items I can eat whatever else I want.
So far on most of my days off school, I have had my protein 1st thing in the morning and gone to the gym. When I get back I usually have the oatmeal and eggs. I study most of the rest of the day so if some time before dinner if I get hungry I have my apple (with PB). Then I make whatever I feel like for dinner.
Honestly it hasn't been that difficult. The first week it took some getting used to and I didn't make it into the gym. Last week I was very on track with it and actually already lost 3 pounds.
It's not much yet but I am sooooo excited to actually see progress! I may change the exact rules over time. I'm trying to make a gym schedule right now that I will stick to.
I am also currently logging all of my food and exercise on a FABULOUS app that I found for my phone called Lose It!
I like it because it has really accurate info for most foods, including ones from restaurants.
This is what the app looks like |
Here is a screen shot of shot you select your food. |
Have an awesome week everyone!! I will update again soon!!